Single Review
Auction - StatuesAuction – Statues

Auction are a fantastic new band who are causing a stir in the music scene at the moment and they are due to release their new single ‘Statues’ on the 28th March, and I imagine that as soon as the single has been picked up on the radio and been released that things are going to start looking rosy for auction as ‘Statues’ is a big musical upbeat tune that has so much going on.

‘Statues’ starts off with softly spoken vocals and various electronic beats and clapping sounds which in all honesty is a bit to mellow for my liking but then 20seconds later the song gets beefed up with bigger and better electronic sounds and then when you think the song can’t get any better it takes even further twists and turns through electronic territory’s whilst Joseph Sigee’s vocals in such a positive catchy way.

Overall Auction have come up with a very cleaver sound with ‘Statues’ the song has so much going for it throughout the 2minutes and 47seconds that it runs for and I would suggest that you head over to right now and download the track for free before it has it’s general release.


Review by Trigger
 Band Members
Auction - Band
Joseph Sigee
Samuel White
Andrew Smith
Kane Dansie
Guy Lawrence
 Track Listing
1. Statues
 Band Related Links
Antlered Man Myspace
 Review Score Code
- Top Cheese
- Brilliant
- Pretty damn good
- Ok I guess
- What Was That?